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Old saharan snail beads

thr bicolored ones are more common thatn the rarer irange snails...one can find them anywhere from necklaces to temple ornaments
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  • Nice find - the univoloured ones remind me of the ones I collected at the seaside as a child. Many of the empty shells we found at the beach already had holes in the shells and be would string them into necklaces.

    Do you know where these snails were collected (sea or land)?

  • i really don t know betty. but most probably seas side.

    how fantastic that you could make such disoveries...where was that?

    could it be possible that the shells you collected were prehistoric?
  • very nice, I like them both!

  • the black/white seashells are known as Pusiostoma, the yellowy orange ones I'm not so sure of their name but when i was a child we found them on the beaches on the south coast of UK.

  • The ones I used to make necklaces with as a child were collected at the Baltic Sea. We found different types, some as Stefany says looked quite similar to the ones in your picture, Alaa. Unfortunately I threw away a necklace I had kept as a souvenir because it had totally disintegrated from being kept in a box with lots of junk :-(

    But here's a pic of some seashells I collected on a more recent trip to the Baltic Sea:


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