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Non precious materials in jewelry from Mauritania

Upper pair is an icredibly smooth horn bracelets with a couple of aluminium and copper studs a large hair shell ornament a pair of aluminium bracelets Or when precious materials are scarce oasis dwellers use simple material is a wonderful way
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  • Very nice. Why not use Aluminum, it can look very nice ! Have some Malian Khalkal made of Alu, and will soon get a set of bangles made of Alu from Ethiopia (there they used a lot Alu for Jewellery). One has to come away from the idea that only silver things are beautiful!

  • well i guess silver is the king in that field but many other materials are of a great ethnigraphic interest especially when used among populations with lesser means or even among populations that literally discarded precious metals!

    It is the patina here that drove me crazy!! hahaha

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