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Mystery pendants

Mystery pendants
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  • After all the stunning old jewellery we have seen in the past days, here is something more recent. All the same, I am still at loss where these pieces  are from. The gilded ones described as "Middle East", the other two as 19th century Persian (but I really doubt that they are that old). I wonder wether they might be from Turkey? Any thoughts would be highly appreciated.

  • I think these are contemporary and from Turkey.

  • Betty, I've just realised what the ones on the extreme left and extreme right reminded me of. They have the colours of old Persian tiles but they could have been made elsewhere.

  • Thanks Patricia and Thelma for your comments. Yes, these pieces are definitely not old. There is a Turkish silversmith who used to make very similar pendants and earrings..., but I also found a very similar pendant (different shape but same colours, granulation etc) as a focal of a neckless labelled "Uzbek" :


    Other than than I found it hard to find other references. 

  • You are right about the contemporary Uzbek pendants -- I used to peruse ebay looking for older Uzbek pieces ( which are increasingly hard to find) and I would always come across very lovely new pieces which advertised as being from Turkey.

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