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Moroccan hallmark help

Purchased from a trader who said he got them in Tinghir. Would appreciate any help on identifying the hallmarks. Thanks!
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  • Couple more images of the pair.


  • the hallmark looks as it it may be Tclemen

    tricky as it isn't all there, but looks a match to me page 204

    Bijoux du maroc

  • i can t assess size from picture but seems as they are quite large, in any case these are true gems having an incredible patina, all original coral beads and caps, and intriguing deep hallmarks

    The front appliques of this type are common affair on eastern middle atlas and eastern high atlas hoops, so finding them in tinghir is very normal as this city lies on the very used Meknes to tafilalt historical and still actual route!

    All the semi nomadics tribes in between these two region would be wearing these hoops with the likeliness increasing going furher north.

    It would make sense as the biggest hallmarking cities of meknes and fes used to cater for style but also  production exported very deep in the mountains (for example the ZAIANE enameled jewels heavily produced in Meknes thus bearing the city's hallmark)

    But the most intriguing feature about this hallmark which is not complete due to lack of space on which it was applied (i suspect only the middle part of a round hallmark is visible here) is the presence of the arabic letter "Jiiim" corresponding the sound of the latin letter "J"

    There is also either number 2 or number 9, in which cases the hallmarking date would be quite early on the islamic calendar to fit with patina and wear: i.E.  a date like 12.. or 119. or 129.  corresponding to the latest possibilty on solar calendar of the date 1881 and possibly even older!!!  Indeed a venerable work of art

    As for the letter "J" it could lead us to north eastern city of OUJDA, but that would be a very first time to see such a hallmark but a definite possible oddity

    This last thought enlarges the identifying spectrum of origin to north eastern morocco and parts of the eastern rif mountains (less likely though)

    My gut feeling is that this is a superior example of workmanship of this style that could come from any thriving settlment in the aforementionned places especially anywhere with a sizeable  jewish community such as the oasis mountain of DEBDOU in eastern Morocco, very likely origin also a well to do tribal chief's woman especially if the coral beads are big enough!

    Just a reminder after all this mashed thoughts, this very style of hoops earrings is ubiquituous all over morocco with slight differences in patterns and techniques applied, some are very old coming from northern cities and made with gold pearls and precious stones which have disappeared very early and led way to the rennaissance style imported from western mediterranean

    Another piece to remind us of the steady influence of the refined northern cities over some of the most striking objects  assumed by many to prepresent the bold and tribal spirit of "berber" jewelry

  • Thanks very much for your insight, Sarah and Alaa.

    When we came across this pair, Sarah's immediate evaluation was that of coming from a jewish community in easter Morocco, which goes with Alaa's feeling for the piece.

    Alaa, I love that piece of detective-like analysis of the letters and numbers of the hallmark! The trader did say that this was a very old pair, over a 100 years old, but I tend to take traders' tales with a fair pinch of salt.

    The coral beads are largish, and I've added a photo with a coin alongside to show their size. Here are also the hallmarks from Tlemcen and from Meknes, from Bijoux du Maroc, for further evaulation.

    Thanks again for your valuable input.


  • so tricky when it is just a slice of a hallmark ! and as Alaa so rightly points out, there are likely to be other rare hallmarks which hve not been included in this book.
    maybe making a print of thr hallmarkonto acetate and overlaying it with existing recorded hallmarkscould rule some in or out.... Oujda makes sense to me in many ways .....i was looking at hallmarks from the north, and the north east is definately where both Alla and I feel these beauties originate.......i wish i read Arabic too!!!
    thanks for the brilliant insights Alaa, i have been secretly excited about researching these, and if Preethi had not have chosen them, i would have snaped them up!! Great taste beautiful lady!!
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