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Jewellery tour Sept 2012

A unique trip to Morocco with a focus on jewellery, and the history of adornment one place left on this stunning tour..... http://berbersilver.com/?p=377 email for details sarah@vividtrading.com
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  • http://berbersilver.com/?p=377

    click on the link to see the tour itinerary

    There is just one place left on this wonderful trip, we will be staying in beautiful Riads and Ksour, and spending everyday exploring the history of Jewels and adornment in Morocco and enjoying back to back buying opportunities witht he finest dealers in Morocco..............join us!!

  • Wish I could go - I had a fantastic time in January!  The last person to join up is a lucky one, indeed.

  • Thank you Julianna, I am so pleased you had a great time x

  • Really excited to be returning to a treasure house in Ouarzazatte this trip!!!

    S x

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