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Ida ou Nadif area Silver, Niello, Glass Necklace.

Nielloed silver and old glass pendants, facetted S. Morocco silver beads and cranberry facetted glass beads.
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  • Can never get enough of this beautiful stuff! This looks especially nice with the cranberry beads. Recent acquisition?

  • Hi Patti! Purchased on the trip I went on with Sarah in April. The pendant set was from a trader at Abdurrahman`s place, the smaller niello dangles were from Faouzi, the little silver and glass beads I bought online, the former from Antikapsaras. The little dangle at the back was a gift from Sarah.

    I was actually surprised by how much facetted glass beads were used in the south. But, of course, these sets are becoming increasingly rare though I do have another set waiting to be used. It`s from a headdress so it will prove more challenging.

  • Very dramatic piece! Love the red. Did you make this one?

  • Thank you both. Yes, Toya, I strung this. I just put it together to my own taste but with an eye towards tradition.

    (Always know when The USA has woken up!).

  • Oh my! So very. very beautiful.

  • Yeah, we wake up when you are getting ready for the evening. Toya is three hours behind me because she is on the west coast. The red glass is special nice with niello and little bitty turkoman pendants. Are you going back to Morocco anytime soon?

  • Thank you, Yvette. I have in the past seen these I o N pendants strung with coral or trade beads which, to my mind, doesn`t make the best of them.

    Glad you like it!

  • Patti, actually the little bitties are s. moroccan often used with any of the traditional nielloed items. So are the little silver beads. Ann and I had Faouzi to ourselves, he had shut the door. We had a great time going through his boxes listening to him philosophising and being cheeky. There aren`t many who can combine the two with such charm!

    Nice to know what your doing when.

    Ooooh..... wouldn`t I just love to go back to Morocco! Are you planning to go again?

  • Absolutely fabulous Frankie, you have done so well with designing and matching up.  Hope you remembered what Faouzi asked you to read, maybe an excerpt would suffice.

  • Thanks, Ann. Guess what? Only yesterday I loaded it onto my Kindle. So have great intentions.....

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