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Two following marks photos.Description with last of these.Apologies for fuzzy photos.
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  • They do look somewhat like these Egyptian bracelet on Ebay 161012096075

  • Nice cuff. It looks old and worn. Is this a new purchase from your trip?

  • We need more pictures but my first guess is a very old type of tunisian bracelets. the style of which was widespread across north africa during the almohad moroccan dynasty.....it has survived in western egypt and of course yet furthermore in morocco.

    As for the marks they seem to be regular smiths mark done by stamping and AFAIK dont give us any help for dating or locating

    a nice purchase and a very interesting and rare find
  • Thanks for your comment, Ayis. I`m having camera problems currently but will try to get better photos later. (I told Sarah after I had bought this - without any knowledge of what it was! - that I would be happy to get approval for it from you!!!).

    Being a silver mark virgin is not helpful to me.

    Marie-Ange, thanks for the eBay referral. Those cuffs were the only reason I said it might be Egyptian. Otherwise I hadn`t a clue!

  • You know frankie you cant miss an old silver jewel....the patina is silk and when shopping in the souk your eye get trained to see newly made and forged antiques they all look like each others.... so your bracelet is the real thing!!!

    As for the marks i only source what i know from the priceless books published by the real researchers :-)
  • This piece is also extremely heavy. Mysterious and also very substantial
  • Ayis, the reason why I picked the bracelet out was because it looked so very different from all the others. And there were very many others, some very beautiful and old, too. But this one was the one with this amount of wear and the silky feel.

    I think some people would actually avoid such an item but they seem to call to me personally! I certainly felt the mystery that Sarah mentions. Its` so heavy that but for Sarah`s mum, Jan, I would have lost it when it dropped off my wrist at an incredible feast in a gorgeous riad that we experienced. And no, I did not drink too much!! (honestly). I must get busy with a velcro and old silver leather fix.

    My camera is currently gobbling up batteries after two shots - will buy more on Monday - and will take more pix.

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