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Fish Khlal

A modern example of a tiny khlal used to secure the houlie at the top of the shoulders. Gilt silver.
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  • this is very sweet! I like it a lot.

  • Thanks Eva.  Even though this is a new pin in a new style, I thought it was a nice use of a traditional motif and a very nice shoulder pin...I love the design.  My only complaint is that it is made of very thin silver, and made from cheap die-stamped pieces!  But, unfortunately this type of construction is now a trend in Tunisia....it caters to the current economic market.  This pin cost only 20TD (a little over $15 USD).

  • @never mind the price, it is very cute! Let's hope the thin silver will keep fine and not get damaged. It really is a sweet piece!!! Sometimes I prefer small pieces that are not expensive, main thing is, they please the one who wears them!!!

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