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A ‘tepelikli fes’ (festive woman’s hat with metal/silver cover). From the Yörük and Türkmen villages* of the Çukurova plain (east of Adana). Late-Ottoman era, ca. 1900. On exhibit in the Tarsus Museum. (© Dick Osseman).*: according to the museum’s assertion.PS: there is a similar hat on exhibit in the Adana Ethnographical Museum.
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  • Another stunner Jean-Marie! Thanks for posting. Peter
  • Fantastic reference.  This appears to have a kirdan / gerdanlik attached to the hat.  Is this common?  Would the same piece also be work as a necklace?

  • Hello Lynn,

    When we (my partner and I) started buying Anatolian folk jewelry (mid-1980s) in order to provide our folk dance group with authentic full costumes for its appearances, we at first got confused that pieces that looked alike were sometimes labeled differently by the sellers (the most common 'switch' was "head ornament" versus "breast ornament").  Over the years we learned that in Anatolian folk culture, many jewels are interchangeable, if their shape fits the purpose.  This is such a (less common) example: a gerdanlık sewed to a bridal/festive hat.  In fact, I think that the village people of Anatolia felt very free in the way they used adornment; within certain borders, of course: a couple of 'tepelik' as brassiere was obviously (more than) a bridge too far...

    I hope this answers your question adequately.  Best greetings, JM.

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