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face mask necklace

Diety Sadu necklace used in a temple in Tamil Nadu. lt 19th c Unique piece
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  • A couple of years ago i was offered a huge mask-pendant strung on a chain, i wondered where it was from and i suspected some south asian place....So these are temple jewels?

    Makes sense now!

  • Either used on a statue or worn by a priest.  I have had one with coins that was incredible, sold that unfortunately had to give it up but it had all early coins on it. i never saw another one like this but i have a Tibetan one that was used on a statue which is bronze and painted, very early.  This had two more heads on it which i have and all the parts, i had to make is shorter as it was not the right length on. If you noticed the two leaves on one side , should be another head  and as well in the back right should be another one also. 

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