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Egyptian necklace?

I am puzzled by this necklace, reminds me of egyptian Kirdans but yet very different. Any thoughts Cheers
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  • To me it seems the necklace it self is part of an Egyptian kirdan. (part of a zar chain?) The pendant looks like a part of a dancing hors's halter decoration.


  • ebay item: 190628874806  Somewhat similar.

  • Hillary, what a strange pendant the ebay item is! The half moon looks like it is of a real older necklace, this kind of  agate beads they use in Egypt too (Nubia) but the other strange pendant ? The coral beads are good too I think 

  • The pendant may be an equine silver ornament used in Egypt and described by Azza Fahmi in her book "Enchanted Jewelry of Egypt." Could this be an industrious marriage of two separate components?

  • very beautiful necklace

    nada. i havnt the book of azza fahmy but i m fan of her jewelry and specialy the calligraphy ones

  • Hello Ait,

    I am also a huge fan. I LOVE her jewelry. I'm lucky to have one of her calligraphy bracelets :))

  • What I find amazing is that Egyptians really spent a lot of money decorating the foreheads of horses with beautiful pieces of jewelry, silver, coral, agate, carnelian, they used all these. I guess jewelry really expresses love!

  • Hello Nada

    lucky you are to have one, is it the cubic and asymetric bracelet ?

  • Hi Ait,

    No it's the simple bangle with writings all around it. I think it's an earlier one. Here is a picture:


  • thank you Nada.

    very nice piece, i guess it is earlier too.

    simpl but very impressif and it has a strong caractere, i like a lot.

    nice that she has a school to teach her art

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