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African bone bracelet / bangle with carved face.
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  • Never seen such a thing before in this style! Very interesting!! Where are they from?
  • Hi, I believe they were made in Nigeria, they were sold to me 25 years ago as beeing ivory but I believe they are made of bone (am happy about that too, could not wear them if they were ivory).

    I found another one on Etsy and this seller insists they are ivory...

  • @Thank you for the detailed info. Hope it is bone - although 25 years ago, people were not so conscious about using such things. I was given a purse made of real crocodile leather about 25 years ago in Thailand... (nowadays I never use it because of the material...and I would not buy it either)... But at that time, I felt a bit bad - that was all.
  • Hi, yes I was the same, at the time ivory and other animal products did not seem to be such a big no-no.

    We have a game lodge now in Zambia so now we are much more aware of game and hunting for ivory and skin.  Sad to say it still happens for huge amounts of money, the game reservation officials call it controling the numbers of elephants, lions and hippo's......

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