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CIMG0556Lalibella priester's handcrosses,silver

three newly made 1978 priesters's handcrosses of the Lalibella church design. These will be gifts to priesters who helped a person to get through a difficult period of their lives. Lalibella does have different designs. these crosses are made by skillful jewellers in the new way, like sawn out of a sheet of silver with a blue print and afterwards edged in. These are genuine silver and not silver plate as so many are now on the market and advertised as silver. A pitty.Handcrosses can be made of different materials, such as : wood, brass, copper and iron, and since about 1975 also from nickel sometimes with a layer of silver plate.
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  • They are all beautiful!!! Love them !

  • These are so delicate and beautiful. Thank you for posting.

  • Thank you Eva and Toya, that is what Ethiopia is all about of course, their coptic crosses. They exist in all kind of materials and so many combinations on the basic designs. I have a never ending admiration for them.

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