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carved amber Liou

rare carved amber bead or clothing ornament with recumbant rabbit , having bats and birds in backround. Liou dynasty China
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  • Looks wonderful!

  • I'm making a presentation of antiques and art at Coral's school for her end of Chinese studies. I'm unpacking many things to re pack and move in like stuccos and Han pottery , warring states lacquer so I had these things in my office, I have no photos of anything and started going through and thought it would be interesting to show.  I put a few sold objects on the sight but have alot of my own that I have to photograph yet.

  • Well, yes, do keep photographing them, and preserve them, in their digitialised form, somewhere safe, for there is a lot of good stuff, I am sure, and I know from experience that if you don't take photos as you go along you are likely to forget or not to revisit that pile of material for year. I.e., strike while the iron is hot!!

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