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Beautiful Akka Silver Pendant

A wonderful rare silver pendant for Akka, very desirable style! weighs 75g 68 x 55mm £175.00
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  • Sarah where is Akka? Was it supposed to have enamel on? Great work and granulation.

  • Akka is an oasis town in South Morocco, but also an ethnie in China- Thailand (mountain people). Knowing Sarah it must be a pendant from South Morocco. It is very beautiful by the way!!!!

  • 2505993252?profile=RESIZE_480x480Decided to put her the right way up!

    Yes Eva thios is from Akka in the south of Morocco, below the Anti Atlas region.

    Very bold styling is typicl of the jewels here.


  • This piece did not have enamel those are from the areas closer to Tiznit.


  • I love the very plain Hair shells in contrast to the bold niello and silver spikes!

  • What a splendid photo/card!

  • Agree with Chantal, the postcard with the lady is superb!!!!

  • amazing silver and picture.

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