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aures Rihana detail 3

vintageaures riahan 76 cm long and 1-1,2 cm large . i m still cleaning it
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  • Nice rihanna AIT.

    Do you have any hints or details for us through which which we can make difference btween rihannas from the Aures and the more common ones from Tunisia ?

    I would be interested to know!


  • actualy the difference is not so relevant

    the aures and tunisian are almost the same and have the same hallmarks, after the algerian independance. the hallmarks chnaged and even didnt exist in the aures ones, the weight became higher in the algerian ones because of the silver price was lower in algeria.

    the technics were and still the same. hand hammered, you can see it in close fotos

    the south aures ,oulad nail until saoura are bigger and heavier, the inside diameter is smaller and they are thiker

    the north cities and kabyl ones a bit smaller not more than 1 cm in the general cases

    the kabyl ones are even smaller than the rest , they are around 6-7cm in diameter and sometimes they have samples made with the large side of a nadle

    the wedding ones are gold, now almost imported gilded thinn metall

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