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three Ethiopian Earstuds (close-up)

from Aksum, sizes between 1,5 - 2 cm. Two are silver, gilded, the big one in the middle is probably brass, gilded. The needles are made of copper and rather thick (the small ones fit through European ear holes, although a bit tight, the big one does not fit).
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  • Beautiful. and great presentation as usual. I think that you are the Ethiopian expert of the site. 

  • @Thank you Chantal - no, no I am not (expert on Ethiopia), but I do like their things. (I wish I knew more about it, but am improving....... by searching for info about their ethnical groups).

  • Wow! I have to write this down! I love These earstuds as they are similar to some hairpins and Tigray Engagement or wedding pendants.  I took them with me some day downtown in order to look for something that I could put at their back (they have nothing, only the needle) for Fixing them to the back of the ear (so they would not fall out)..

    When I came home, I only found two! I knew well that I had 3, even though non-matching. I kept looking for them in my "Ethiopia-Box", in my handbag, in my clothes (pockets) - it stayed forlorn all These months.

    Yesterday evening I was putting away the stuff on my Printer (piles!!!), and something fell down. I picked it up - it was the missing ear stud  (almost 10 months!!!!). I am so happy that I found it again, since I have not seen any old ones of These for sale since then!

  • That's great, Eva! I am happy for you that you found the ear stud again. They are really had to find.

    But I know exactly how you feel and hope that will also find my Ethiopian silver ring which I also "lost" months ago... I believe it's somewhere in the house since it disappeared around the time I took pictures of my Ethiopian items. It was epecially dear to me as I bought it on the last day of my first visit to Ethiopia...

  • @thank you Betty, I hope it will turn up sooner than my earstud! Let us know please, when you find it!

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