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  • The disk reminds me strongly of a type of Northern Ethiopian wedding rings. Maybe Ingrid can take a look?

    The cone-shaped beads on top could also be from the Horn, or the Arab world. The other elements look like they come from further East, India, Pakistan - but I am not the right person to tell...

  • Betty is right about the ring, from the northern province Tigrai.  Worn with many strings of wool and sometimes as a choker in pairs by males. This before 1930. Because worn on a thick cable of threats they do not have wear marks unlike the more simple wedding rings which are worn as single on long threats of wool by women and those do have very visable wear on the inside and are mostly without decoration.  Yours is an in between. Ggr, Ingrid.

  • Thank you. I do have 2 disks, Tigrai wedding rings. I wonder who wore them.. I think they may be my favorite item out of this whole lot.

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