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Two Afar combs - 1

made of Wood, 15 and 18 cm Long, from the Afar Ethnie in Ethiopia, both sides are decorated. As Ingrid told me, they walk around with the combs sticking in their hair (also men), as decoration
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  • Beautiful and different! I like these wooden combs - I have seen them being worn by Afar people in EThiopia and Eritrea- it looks quite unusual, especially as it is really mostly men who wear them. Great find!

  • @Betty thank you. Yes, Ingrid told me this too - that these combs are practically only worn by men, not just to comb, but as decoration and that they walk around with the combs in their hair! I saw them by Chance, an "old seller friend" of mine had them and I fell in love with their design. I  just noticed the backside is decorated too (have to Change the description above).

  • Great picture again. Congratulations.

  • @Thank you very much, Chantal. The background is a wooden box with metal covered top, which I use as "treasure box" for some of my collection...... it just offered itself for the background of a picture. 

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