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Turkoman wedding necklace

Turkoman wedding necklace
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  • Wonderful  piece. Love the texture of the coral beads & those Silver bead next to them are fabulous! They are the barrel shaped with larger inlayed bead in center. They look for antique.

  • Tajik

  • I also spy a Tuareg bead in there above the amulet!

  • splendid necklace. nice colors and forms combination

    Hillary, you have a fine sens of abservation. i agree that is a tuareg bead

  • Agree, Tajik, but the central pendant, what would that be?

  • I think that it is probably Tajik, but I must say that it looks like it is repousse in imitation of actual granulation.  It also remind me of Kazakh work.

  • I agree, Hillary - the silver work actually looks rather modern to me, and appears to have been combined with good early beads to make up the piece. It comes across as appealing to wear but not as particularly collectible. Of course, different pieces will suit different people - I am merely exprressing a personal preference.
  • Actually as I look more carefully I do see some old pieces of silver as well. This seems a cocktail of old and (fairly) new. Even though the piece is charming, it does not look consistent.
  • Thank you for you comments, Hillary and Joost. I have the feeling that these particular pieces are always some kind of a challenge. They seemed to have spread from what I believe is its original area, mainly Kyrgyzstan/Tajidkistan, to wider areas where they have received local influences and additions. On top they are fairly often re-strung to withstand the passing of time. The Tuareg bead, it very much looks like it!, is quite amazing as I got this pair quite some years ago on one of my trips in Central Asia. The silver beads vary in age but on average are quite old. I am attaching a closer picture of the central pendant. I have not had the chance yet to check it if it is actually granulation work or repousse work as Hillary has pointed out but will be checking.



  • It is really hard, and unfair on my part, to try and judge things from a photo - but inevitably one does! Actually on this latest image some things do look potentially different.
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