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Tuareg bracelet - 2

this is an old Tuareg bracelet that I bought in Timbuktu in 2000. It is of non-precious metal (I have no idea, what mix), I have it since 2000 and wear it quite often. All I Need to do from time to time, is rub it with a Cloth wet with water and Soap and it gets absolutely beautiful again. I don't know what material it is - it is really surprising that it still is so nice after 13 years of use by me. The quartz crystals are by the way collected by my husband and me just outside Timbuktu in 2000-2001. The bracelet is signed.
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  • Eva, what lovely warm bracelets (cuffs) It look like silver to me especially the round banded edges.  Also if it cleans so easely another fact about silver. It looks also so comfortable to wear.  It is embossed and edged. Very clean design. Like it very much.

  • @Thank you Ingrid. No it is not silver, but I do not know what Kind of mix. Yes, it has a beautiful design, two types of adornment (as you said, embossed and edged). By the way, I found another old Ethiopian hairpin, and I bought it, a rather simple style, but I have not received it yet... am quite anxious to get it! You know photos are not always everything...sometimes the real one is nicer and sometimes not! Will Show it, when I get it.

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