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The Classic Rihanna

One of the most recognizably Tunisian adornments is the rihanna chain. It is comprised of thin flat thin-gauged metal rings that have been soldered together in a chain. It is worn either as a necklace or a pectoral paired with fibulae, and was traditionally worn by women in Tunis and Djerba.
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  • Beautiful!

     Why are they so difficult to find on ebay? (rethorical question).

  • Don't know, they are still everywhere in Tunis!  I do not think this one is particularly old, although I did buy it used.  I prefer it with the gold wash, which is traditional and lends it a lovely sparkle.  It has lots of BLING!

  • ebay.fr 290553317864

  • Why is it called Rihanna? Does this mean something?  (I have no idea, my thoughts jump to Rihanna the singer.., perhaps I should try to google it).

  • i love it and would love to have one. Sadly i am reconsidering my travel plans to Tunisia. too bad this is one of my favourite jewelry item!

  • Thanks Marie Ange. beautiful but very expensive...........

  • Chantal & Marie Ange:  Wow!  Shocking sometimes to see the prices of these things in Europe!

    Ayis, sorry to know u are delaying your trip, but don't worry....Tunis will be here waiting and there are always more rihanna chains in the suk!

    Eva, Arabic is a complex language. I believe the singer's name is derived from the word for "compassionate", but I think the term for this necklace may derive from the similar term for a millstone (since the links resemble the flat round shape of a millstone).  Since I am not fluent in Arabic perhaps a native speaker could offer more info.

  • @Edith: thank you for the explanation about "Rihanna" from Arabic. Interesting, thank you"!

  • Hi Edith, yes prices in Europe are getting rediculas, maybe you can sell some items you pick up from Tunis as you live there so we can benefit from it too.

  • Everyone asks me to sell things, but the problem is that there are very restrictive business regulations here.  I would need to go through a great many hurdles to be able to export anything or receive any payment for my sales.  I tried to buy some printed materials on-line from Europe recently, and found that I could not electronically send money to the vendor from Western Union!  This has had a mixed effect on the Tunisian economy (it has kept cheaply made imported goods out, but made it difficult to start certain types of businesses), so I hope the new government will try to ease certain restrictions in the near future.

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