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Silver bracelet, Tunisia

It looks very much like an anklet from Gabès but the opening seems too narrow. Maybe a bracelet from that area.
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  • Wonderful. Can we see more please? the opening? Thanks

  • Thank you, Chantal. I will try to take a picture of the opening tomorrow.

  • It looks  strange to me, quite abstract motifs, are you sure its Tunisian? or maybe rather modern?

  • The form indeed resembles a kholkhal from the Gabes region, but I agree with Chantal that the designs are less typical.  It is possible that it has been used as a bracelet...or perhaps it is also an anklet for a child?  In Tunisia, the children often appear at weddings wearing miniature versions of adult jewelry.  (I have seen this with my own eyes.)  Are there any hallmarks or numbers on the piece?  These types of pieces also typically are engraved on the inside with a fish or khamsa for luck.

  • I fully agree with you both. The design deviates from the Tunisian typical on with fishes, birds, etc. It has what seems to be a halmark but so tiny that I am not sure it is one and if so what it is. Then remembered that I saw a similar one sometime ago in a French site. Here it is the link. A very similar one is described as a wedding bracelet from Tunisia but no more details are given..http://www.ethnikan.com/produit.php?idcat=&idscat=2&idprod=...  

  • nice and interesting bracelet.

    it is tunisian , the design is also tunisian. i agree with you all about the design( looks inhabitual )

    i think the raison is in symetrie and the workmanship.

    i have an idea but i like to hear from you the background of this bracelet please

  • Thanks Jose. Your site has made the point. Very interesting by the way. Thanks.

  • Thank you Chantal. I would like to know more about it as it is a rather peculiar style for the Tunisian designs I am used to.

  • So would we all. Quite original. To me it may be a modern version of the traditional motifs but I may be wrong of course. Or the work of a particular workshop? or artisan?

  • jose, i was waiting for more infos about the purshassing and background to get orinetation.

    for me, this piece is vintage. a tunisian wedding bracelet. high silver. the persone who made it lost a bit the symetrie but in general it is ok.

    it is unusual for you because you are used to other samples and specilay the dove or fish.

    this is different because it is a wedding piece. the signes represent women power and fertility and circle of life

    women power in north africa: there is 4. on this bracelet we can see the tanit ( what is usualy to see   )

    the fertility: the same tanit form is also a turtle coming from watter and all the eggs

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