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sahara stones

found in the sahara, stone primitif work, any idea about ?? 8 until 14 cm diametre
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  • I think these are ancient grinding stones. They were used to grind grains. Very nice pieces.

  • it could be, but we know them different

    thank you

  • I have one like the top one on the left (big hole) and was told it was uses by putting a pole through the hole and the used to make dig in the earth with it (making holes for planting). There are 2 very interesting books about those Saharan finds, the tell more about the use. 

    Do I see labrets in the below right? I live those!

  • Harald what are the books on the Saharan finds please? Ta.

  • Chantal, I am looking for the books but so far not found them yet. Always a problem over here with to many books on all kinds of topics and to many people looking in them and putting them just were they please. But you will hear from me.

  • thank you for your comments.

    Harald. it is difficult to say for what they were used. all what is writen about is just a hypothese of intensive searching and thinking ( i mean about this hole ones )

    yes they are labrets, verry old ones made of sahara quarz,stones and sahara glas. i did not know that they interst you otherwise i had kept some for you

  • Thankyou Ait! I did not make pictures of our labrets, I will post them when we do have photo's.

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