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Oman: Anklets or Bracelets?

A matching pair, the inside opening measures 2-1/2" dia., ext. circumference is about 4-12" dia. Are these a child's anklets or bracelets?
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  • I have huge clunkers like this too!  anklets ! 2463404193?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    and another version too ... I wear them as bracelets actually! 2463407311?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Linda is right: anklets! And not for children. The Omani woman are slightly build. There has been a lot of idea's on this site about the size of anklets and bracelets because a lot of people do not believe wrists or ankles can be so small, but they do exist. You can have a look inside the book Oman Adorned and find woman wearing these anklets.


  • And Linda, what a beautiful ones you have got!

  • Yes great photo!  I like these shots, wearing actual pieces.. very good!  My x husband , got these for me , one of the few times he surprised me , but found these for me in London.  they are very large and extremly good silver.  The other nice piece I like also and that I got at a local antique show when my parents lived in Florida many years ago.   I didn't really even know where it was from , Saudi maybe or one of those dessert areas? I found it much later in Colette's book.  

  • see side view and open and cut out work,, really interesting , there are holes in it also through in front and side. not just engraved. 2463403502?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Thanks for sharing your spectacular photos Linda!  Nice pieces!

  • Linda, this is a beautiful one, lovely work, I only know these from books never saw them for sale.

  • I only had these examples come to me, no others in all the years.  I think in London they see more of these things I have a feeling.  thanks , will keep posting as I see things if  I can be of help. the more people see the better it is in my opinion.

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