A digital archive showcasing the extensive collection of jewellery and adornment images shared on the former Ethnic Jewels Ning site over the years. These images have significantly enriched discussions on cultural adornment and its global dispersion.

Old Tuareg matched bangles

Perfectly matched pair of very old Tuareg bangles, with engraved designs. Coin silver with beautiful subtle decoration.
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  • love these, once had a pair myself, these are beatifully made pieces.

  • Yes they are so beautiful, pity they don't fit me! The sharpness of the edges inside makes me unable to slip them over my wrist. Same size in a bracelet with a smooth interior surface and I'd be able to do it, but these just don't go. 

  • Love them. I have only a single one, and very small. Besides, mine was obviously once cut open, probably someone was unable to take it off and it had to be cut. I have put it on, but - really blessed myself with the edges to bleeding. So nowadays, I do not wear it anymore... a pity, as I love it!  Wearing other bracelets......... smile.

  • perhaps a silversmith can make the inside rim smooth so you can get in without shaving your skin off.

  • Nic, as marie said. you can give to any silversmith, it is easy to do it.  you have just to show some bracelets here on this network to know how to do it.

    verry nice bracelets and engraving.  i guess North Niger / Mali

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