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old Ethiopian eyebeads, whitehearts

am sick, but can still take photos!!!The old glassbeads are displayed on Sidamo Aluminium bangles. I dare not clean them more, the White dots could be removed.... so I leave them like this. Perhaps I add another pic.
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  • Lovely skunk beads! I wear them also in a necklace.
  • @Akkie, thank you. I just got them, have already some ideas of how to integrate them into a necklace, but will wait a little - until the ideas  get clearer.  How about showing yours ?  ( I am dreaming of such a necklace like Ingrid showed (with the bone pendants...), but I will never have enough eye beads. So I Need to have another plan.........!

  • I meant white not while,Ingrid

  • Eva, I did write a comment on the eye beads, but I cannot see it, so I am once more commenting. These beads are the genuine old eye or skunk beads with the white hearts from Italia. So do not worry about cleaning them the they have at least many years on them. The white eyes are molded white glass into or onto the red glass. A good purchase. Ingrid

  • @Ingrid, thanks.  Really, I can clean them without worry? Wow! I did not know. I will try sometime a little, if it does not get bad (i.e. if the white eyes do not get weaker), I will continue...with cleaning, but will have to be cautious. They are so cute. About beads I know nearly nothing....

  • 2506003959?profile=originalthis is the cleaned Version. While I can see the difference by looking, the photo does not Show much difference. But anyway, they feel better. I think the whitish things on top of some beads are scratches (not chalk as I thought first).

  • Eva, looking good. Now I have to comment something I wasn.t aware but became aware.  You know these colorful beads are as far as I know only used in  Sidamo with the bone amulets. I haven.t seen them used in any other region. Like Harrar where your earrings are from, they mixed it only with silver chains or amber and sometimes with

    a carnelian decoration .  On the picture they look lovely together but I thought something wrong here. You know how you can use the large earring for is to hold a silk scarve. (just an idea, I did myself.)

  • @Hi Ingrid, thanks a lot. That was an interesting Information.

    About the earrings with a silk scarf, nice! I will try it! I like them very much and feel bad that I cannot wear them (I tried putting them on small plain earrings as pendants, but they are too big and stay not steady like this, too much moving around the ears......but the scarf is a good idea).

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