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Necklace - Afghanistan

Silver filigree, coral and the chains between the filigree and the coral pieces are of 22 karat gold.
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  • Beautiful Peter, only a bitty the gold difference in color doesn.t show up so well. Can you try again. I am so curious. Must be an surprising effect seeing it in real. Lovely necklace in different types of craftmanship. Gr. Ingrid

  • Dear Peter, how delicate and elegant this necklace is!

    I am always fascinated by the wide range of very different jewellery coming from Afghanistan. This is yet another style I have never seen before. I wonder about the gold chains, though... Usually we find the opposite: the main components are of a more valuable material and the chains are an alloy. So this is a bit of a mystery. Kind regards, Betty

  • Peter, this would grace anyone's Afghan collection. A beautiful filigree necklace. Unusual... but it is the pendants at the end of the dangles which give it a real flavour of that part of the world....the cut out silver leaves.

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