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Neck coral muti strand large Hungarian

largest coral necklace I have ever sold ! original Hungarian necklace with over 20 stands! one of my favorite pieces...
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  • looooooooooooooooooooooooooove this!!

  • this was one of those things i have not forgotten and was upset with selling. but obviously was expensive and then things were selling well and so forth so it was just one of the many things I got and sold. Now when things are not coming as much and or people are not willing to pay prices for nice things as much,, it makes me feel more upset.. at least the client who got it is one of my favorite clients so it is good she got it.

  • INcredibly beautiful

    i red somewhere that these were ukranian necklaces ?!

    Far and between some are  being offered for sale on the net but nowhere close to yours in beauty and size

  • These are from that whole area and yes in  Ukrania they did use these also.

  • I have other regrets too but at least many nice things went into several collections where the clients really appreciated them ,, so the pinch is not as bad. I like it when that happens.

  • Just think on how many people / women you made very happy with these lovely items!!

  • I wish that were true but the fact is that most of the best stuff went to only four clients.  The rest here and there were sold at shows of coarse but when one has clients who can afford those things and have a taste for it, then there are not really enough pieces around to curb the appetite.  Now that things are different and those types are not spending as they once did, they have not been replaced. You would think that it would be easy to find those that could buy these things but it is not really easy. There are plenty that spend amounts on designer things and those clients could replace the collectors if they see the things however trends don't last and this stuff is very strong in character. One has to like to wear it to spend on it the amounts that it takes to get the better pieces.  The people that don't use it and just collect are also not being replaced easily with younger members. It's good that forums like this have formed so people can see things and become aware but still it is hard to understand how few people there are that really have both the like and the financial means together when there are so many that spend on designer cloths and jewelry of huge sums.. it's kind of shocking that this is still such a narrow nitch.

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