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Mystery beads

Re: mystery beadsThis is the photo from "Africa Adorned" I mentioned earlier. The silver beads are exactly like Hillary's.PS: I'm afraid I still haven't mastered where to post what on this wonderful website... my apologies!
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  • Yes, Thank you!  I really felt that were East African rather than from Yemen, though they could have been imported.  I suppose that they could have been manufactured in Yemen.  Ethiopia has it's own silversmithing traditions too though.

  • go to mypage, from there go to photos left column) and you will see the place to add photos (upper right)

  • These silver beads are Somalian-Ethiopian (Ogadin) beads. They are the type of beads used between these beautiful (real) amber beads. ( I had  several of these strings) have only these silver beads left ,often worn to a sharp erosion at the holes and had to have them repaired with soldering an extra ring around the edge to make them usable again. I love those beads, beautifully decorated and with the more soberness of Ethiopia ans Somalia.

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