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Mauretanian Agrab al Fadda Silver Beads.

Mauretanian Agrab al Fadda Silver Beads.
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  •  you really have a big collectio of These Agrab al Faddas! Incredible, also various kinds! the ones the right upper Corner are also quite interesting! (all of them are,but, I just noticed these are a Little different). Uffffffffffff I envy you (not in a bad sense!!), so great. Faqrun sells some on Ebay, but cannot afford at the time being.

  • Thanks, Eva. I have to say that of all beads there are, these are my passion. I think the beads you specifically mention might be of newer production. But they`re all old.

  • @Frankie, I can understand your Passion! They really enthuse me too!  Am trying to Limit my passions to Mali and Ethiopia....(while Mauritania is just bordering Timbuktu - resp. Mali, have been there... in the desert with Mauritanian guides and lived in their house in Timbuktu). Enjoy looking at your treasures here a lot!

  • Wow beautiful arrangement x
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