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I would like to start a quiz in which forum members are invited to post a picture of a jewel, old postcard or whichever material related to ethnic jewelry to be identified. The winner would have to post another element to make the quiz go on and on... Let us start with this lady....Do not refrain from sharing your slightest thoughts!!
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  • Siwa or Libya

  • Well patti it would havee been too easy....!!! HAHA

    some jewels on that chest were much more widespread than what we often think!!

  • One note folks

    Look at between the "salhiyat" pendants, each one is tied to the neighbouring one to alllow the whole necklace to be quite rigid and be fully spread on the chest!!  Very clever!

  • Just to verify that libyans do wear this type of jewelry. image 1 from bedouinsilver4052439812_d468150736_z.jpgimage 2libieng1925.jpg

  • sud lybian, in the akakus mountain or Ghat. the same jewels wre worn in sebeiba fest in Djanet

  • Tunisia?

  • The necklace with the hilal looks like a aghaiz nessalhat uit de Siwa Oase.  They have those long red coral beads in between the hilal.

    The noce ring is also seen on old Egyptian pictures with woman of the South.

  • Toubou woman north of Chad.

  • Congratulations JOSE!!

    The libyan connexion was very promising, since both necklaces are of libyan origin and spilled to north Chad by the end of the 19th century under the Sanussi sufi brotherhood political and economical influence

    Beside that, two clues were of major importance:

    1-Nose ring which is a big feature from further east in south egypt, sudan and erythrea where it is very widespread

    2-Amber (or is it resin?) which is virtually absent from Libya, Tunisia and Algeria and pretty present in the sahelian belt from Mauritania eastwards to the African horn

    JOSE it is your turn

    Thanx everybody

  • congratulation Jose. yes it is. i know about semilar in south lybia . tuareg area, akakus mountains,ghat until tchad. the population there is close togetehr.

    lets see what jose brings us as surprise

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