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Filligree Tigar Ornaments

Approx. 50 cm long, these ornaments would be hooked onto a headband or head covering on either side of the face. Silver with gold wash.
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  • almost a year later comes my comment, but these are exquisite!

  • i second you there, this is exquisite in every way there is.

  • Thanks!  The filigree work tends to be from Djerba, so I think that is where these are from.  Tigar ornaments, however, are one of those types of ornaments used all along the coastal areas, and some ladies travel to Djerba to buy bridal jewelry.  Therefore, these could have been used in Hammamet, Tunis or other coastal towns.

  • The chains are my favorite. So elegant.  It is very good to hear from you Edith.

  • Welcome back edith, we were missing your tunisian expertise

  • Thanks Ayis!  Well, since I have returned to the US, I am also now missing it!

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