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Yemen silver necklace.
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  • beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful marie. this is a nice piece. by the way, i like to visite yemen too ;-)  there is some jewelry left or  ??   i m used to find even in the sahara nice items. i think in sanaa for a sure i ll be lucky. if not, i spend my time shiwing cat

  • Ha, ha I believe you are quit the traveler, good for you, yes in Yemen there must be some nice items to be found next to all the newly made metal jewelry.   Yes enjoy drinking tea and chewing cat.

  • I am sure there is a lot left, but Yemen, like all the other places in the world, is emptying itself of traditional things and going toward the modern. 

  • This necklace is a very special piece, Marie-Ange.  Wear it in health and beauty. 

  • Thanks Anna, I wear it on special occasions.

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