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cutlery id please >??

cutlery id please >??
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  • left top figuere looks like a Tai / Asian dancer.

  • Indonesia or Thailand

  • The dancer on the left piece looks like an Indonesian shadow figure. Do not think it is Thai (have lived in Thailand for 1 year, but am not ultimate expert).

  • These are definetely indonesian and.more precisely javanese as the character is a wayang kulit puppet from the javanese shadow theater

    though the use of a fish can also make us think of some straits chinese work from around melaka straits in either singapore or malaysia
  • Oh wait could be an export item for the dutch market as well done by a chinese silversmith in indonesia

    but again main option remains an origin around java island
  • yes they are Indonesian.. would love a set of these!  You don't have a set do you? place setting for at least four ?

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