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Cherry Amber

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  • I think cherry amber is different from Burmite. Burmite is used in these Mizoram necklaces.mizoamber1.jpg

  • What we refer to as cherry amber is typically used in this type of bead. I do not think that cherry amber is even amber, it may be a form of bakelite. These beads are cherry amber. They are much less expensive than burmese amber.facettedamber.pngI think that Nyein's beads are burmite.

  • I referred Cherry amber because of the color.And i called it Burmite because i found it in Burma .. now Myanmar. And i bought it from the mining area.. <northern part of myanmar>
    Sorry for my poorness of english writing.

    This is 100% amber and don't know about the age though..
    And i did polish myself from rough stone...

    yes a lot of people from Europe doesn't know or they just think these are fake.

    We've opened a shop here at Yangon..
    yes some people says ( these are fake or plastic) mostly from European I think because of clarity and beauty But to Chinese people.. they know .. and they give good price...

    and again sorry for my english.

    thanks for the comment..
    "Burmite is Amber which mined form Burma"

  • My apologies if you thought I was criticizing your English, I was not. I only wanted to indicate that your nuggets were not what is referred to as cherry amber ( which is probably not amber) but the much more valuable burmite.

  • this amber was used from the chinese many 1000 of years ago. was appreciated in animal figures carveing and beads.

    i think we can call it cherry amber too. the baltic cherry / red amber is a bit more red.

    Patti is right in refering to bakelt or cellulite because in art nouveau and before, many necklaces ( most of them faceted ) were made in cellulite , later on in bakelite. the difference is , the bakelie ones are not transparent.

    i hope some ones brings more infos

  • Thanks for the correction now i know i cant referred these as cherry amber..
    but we also called blood amber...

  • Nyein chan. you wrote you polished it yourself. that is great. do you use the chalk and spiritus ??

  • we use some kind of white powder for amber polishing...

  • thank you, yes the powder is the chalk

  • It looks like burmite that is for sure. Did you polish it mechanically? Hand polish looks different, more soft. I know burmite only from the jewelry from the Naga and the Mizoram (like the necklace of Patricia).

    And from China like the old snuff bottles and small  statues made of burmite. 

    The age is about 115 000 000 years (Baltic amber about 45 000 000). Libanese amber is the oldest, I think. It is about 140 000 000 years old.

    You can ask Jamey Allen about amber he knows all about it.

    picture of the very old Libanese amber 


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