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Tizerzaï, Tiznit/Tafraout (Morocco)

Tizerzaï, Tiznit/Tafraout (Morocco)
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  • So spectacular and impressive. Jose where do you find such things? The enamel is in great condition. Do you think that the two parts were originally together?

  • Didnt know such masterpieces could still be found complete. Did the seller give any indication of how/when he got these?

  • Wow,spectacular! Love the way of presentation!
  • Thank you very much, Chantal and Howah. I think that all the pieces may have always belonged together. The wear on them is very much similar and having checked on M-R. Rabaté the type of chain, the big pendant itself and the fibulae would make an orthodox arrangement. It is a pity that the U.S. seller did not know anything about their provenance. I am posting below some more pictures should you be interested.


  • verry beautiful and rar to find complet. museum piece jose

  • Details are fantastic and so crisp. Thanks for posting them. Shame about the seller not knowing how he got it.

  • These are a nice selection from tafraout (central pendant is the key of origin)!

    were still produced until recently but now only coin fibulas are being made and worn with glass cabachons and paint which replaced genuine enamel

    These fibulas do come sometimes in huge dimensions such as the one i posted some time ago ...more thatn 30 cm long

  • Again one of your wonderful pieces, mine is a much simpler one with the big bead in the middle.

    Love the mid section.

  • Is the central hook meant to support the fib? I have seen these hooks on headdresses, I guess not just on fibs.

  • Just noticed that my fib set from the same place has a similar hook. (to much stuff!)IMG_2296.JPG?transform=rotate(90)&width=450&height=600

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