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Regional custome of La Alberca in Salamanca, Spain

Known as "Traje de Vistas". Used in the past for weddings, Easter, etc. One of the richest in Spain. The jewellery is a mixture of Spanish arabs and Iberian influence. Look at the beads!.
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  • A closer look to some of the beads:



  • Great pictures. The mix of influences is astonishing...What a rich cultural heritage...and the beads are superb. It must be very heavy...(especially on a hot Easter). Is La Alberca a district of Salamanca? or?......

  • Thank you, Chantal. La Alberca is a village in the province of Salamanca, close to the "Sierra de Francia" mountain range. Yes, I guess all that jewellery must be quite a burden to carry ...

  • The embroidery of the costumes is also stunning.

  • My goodness. Big,bigger,biggest.  Are they supposed to be done in silver, traditionally and  corral and amber beads? Impressive. The dress looks like wool.  Is it cold in the mountains in that district? Nice earthy colors.

  • this is very impressing! I never saw anything similar before! wow!!!!  As the other comments say, it must be extremely heavy! The beads are just great!!! Thanks for sharing!

  • Thank you very much. There must be wool for sure there as winter can be quite cold there. Here you have a link to the page describing this custome at the Spanish Museum of Customes. I am afraid that it is in Spanish but still you can see nice pictures. It says that the whole set of jewellery may be over 10 kgrm. It is traditionally made mainly of silver (sometimes gilded) and coral. http://museodeltraje.mcu.es/popups/04-2004%20pieza.pdf

  • Thank you for the link Jose, I have never seen necklaces worn so long. Very special. But I aso think quite dangerous for tripping. Specially in mountaines area like the steps you are bound to step into your own necklace.  They for sure are worthy collectors items,jewellery as well as the velted woolen costums. It is so strongly  north African,  funny those catholic crosses with the moslim type of jewellery. Good though to see that people use what they like and mix it into their own culture.

  • Very interesting, Jose! Thanks for all the pics and the link. Lovely clothes and stunning necklaces. It's a shame we do not get to see some more European ethnic jewellery here. I think traditional jewellery is such a great way to show how interconnected the world has always been. 

  • I have always loved the mix of styles between both sides of the Med...The  artistic wealth of  the history and the culture of various  different traditions often leads to very rich and imaginative creations which have great value in themselves . These hybrid works tell us a lot about trade routes, relationships, influences,  history...  

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