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Silver amulet boxes necklace from??I need a little help on this one, my thoughts are India, Pakistan or Afghanistan??
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  • I shall need to do a bit of work myself, too, before committing myself. But I do think it is a very good-looking and attractive piece. Well-made, too!
  • I purchased it long ago on Ebay and the seller had no clue about origin and I am puzzled too, thanks for your help.  I wear all my jewelry and yes this is an easy to wear lovely necklace.
  • So far this is, from my side guesswork more than anything (although I have been looking for possible examples): Pakistan could well be the safest choice. Instinctively, although it has certain Indian elements, it does not quite speak like and Indian piece. Most Afghanistan pieces tend to be different, so even through this process I tend to arrive at Pakistan. I asked Truus without giving her ANY hint (so did not show your list). She moved from India (rejected) to either Pakistan or Afghanistan, and is uncertain (as some Afghani jewellery is not particularly well known), but she too has a preference for Pakistan. However, we do not really KNOW, so this is just a suggestion, and I hope that either someone else will come forth or that we shall find something more definite to resemble it. Good luck! A nicely made piece, anyway.
  • Thanks alot Joost and Truus!!
  • The link is in one piece Kuch, nomadic tribe from India-Pakistan border. I think there are some similarities, but yours is much better, no doubt.


    It's beuatiful!

  • No wonder we have been hesitating a bit between India and Pakistan: Marina offers an explanation why!

    So perhaps you should think of it as "Pakistan-India border"? Anyway, we know pretty exactly what it is, and noone is likely to quarrel. Good comment, Marina!

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