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  • You know these telsums are not so many about. And these are lovely  good quality well worn ones.   I always thought  these of the Ethiopian hands of Fatima even though they look like crocodile feet.  Still to me they are the hands, anybody has more knowledge?  I recently bought a small group on eaby to add to my collection (for use) but the were none silver (although it was said Ancient silver????

    You know they were these ones as headdecorations in Ethiopia? Lovely pieces I envy you.

  • I agree, Ingrid. These look special and appear to have some silver in them judging from the picture. As for the design I have seen some that bear no resemblance to ands as the decorative lines on them run from left to right rather than vertical (which makes them look like hands or claws. I have even seen some with a criss-cross pattern, too. Unfortuately, I have no idea what they are supposed to represent. They are refereed to as beetles or hands, but I guess that's mostly no more than the seller's description. I'd also love to know more. Maybe we can all go and ask our Ethiopian suppliers and friends, if they can enlighten us...

  • Yes they are made of silver with a great patina. They remind me of sandals.

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