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  • She has beautiful jewellery, especially the necklace seems extraordinary!
  • The choker you can see here is very common in Rajasthan. When I go there I always buy by weight the tiny flower-shaped plaques from old, broken necklaces and then I restring them into bracelets.
  • Nice picture Carla. I rememeber one i saw a completely silver covered woman in the bus station of Pushkar, it was like having an animated jewelery catalog. brilliant


    where do you purchase silver items in india? I have only some buying experiences in Pushkar and delhi was a plain desert!!!!

  • Thank you Ayis. This picture was actually taken in Pushkar. Yes, it is not easy to buy in India: Pushkar is the place where you find shops in the street, selling old silver, and a good price /quality ratio. As to Delhi, you must have addresses, otherwise you'll find nothing in the shops. In any case, Delhi is more expensive. Bundi should be another good place to buy, or at least it was when I was last there 6 years ago. It's a nice place off the beaten track: silver shops line a section of the main street and the prices are even lower than in Pushkar.

    I was in Southern India twice but I've never found anything to buy in the shops, and I don't have any addresses of sellers there.

    Are you a collector? a seller? both?

  • thanx for your answer Carla, i collect mainly and do sell when i need to refurbish my collection or fail to keep a sheer interest on one item and change for another!


    In india i was thrilled about the quantity available and the very low price for silver per gram (prefer to buy by gram rather than by piece)


    Pushkar was a heaven where i bought many islamic related items, callygraphy, and stuff related to militaria, all these i like.


    In kolkatta, nothing around even in central market, In jaipur only high scale antique dealers with hefty prices and in Delhi nothing in DARIBA QALAN (silver market) only one shop in LAL QILA (entrance of red fort) where i missed one great oppurtunity; a pair of heavily worn silver anklets from gujarat (KDLA of KOLI women) they weighed in excess of 1 KG of high grade silver and they were offered for a piece of bread but it was my last day  in town and i had already completely gone bankrupt and was already carriying tons of jewelry and souvenirs from my multi'months travelling across asia!!HAHAHA!!


    Anyway, i would love to come back someday in india a go more thouroughly in old cities of rajhastan and gujarat and also my dream is to visit Kashmir, the land of Shangri-La!!


    Are you going back to India any soon?

  • Hi Ayis, thanx for your comment. Yes, I'm going to India again at Christmas: Delhi, Pushkar, Bundi.

    I was in Kashmir in 1993, didn't see very much of Srinagar because it was dangerous, there was curfew at 6pm and most shops were closed and at night we could hear distant shooting, but I have wonderful memories of the week I spent staying in a houseboat on the lake. Then I left by car to Leh: only 350 km but the road was terrile because of recent heavy rain and we had to spend one night in Kargil..lots of roadblocks and soldiers in that area. We eached Leh though a pass at 4300 metres..the scenery was breathtaking.

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