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  • Eva,    Again a  passionate and warm article on Ethiopia, very nice and putting Ethiopia's treasures on the card. In this case your collection of hairpins. Thank you, also for giving me also a small place in it, so generous of you. appreciate it.Gr.Ingrid.

  • @Good morning, what a nice surprise!

    Thank you Sarah for Publishing it and thank you Ingrid for your Kind words!  This really made my day! Smiles.

  • Nice article,Eva! Good to read.
  • @Thank you Akkie!  ☺ Meanwhile, it seems, I found a new addition! Can hardly believe it.

    It will take a while to get to me.........but probably it will be the 19th pin, a very old one with a coin.☺☺☺

  • What a great read, Eva. I very much enjoyed reading about the origin's of your love-affair with Ethiopian hair adornment. Love the article and your collection and look forward to seeing new additions when you find them.

  • Eva, great news.....and exciting too!!
  • Thanks a lot  Betty and Akkie! ☺☺☺

  • Such a nice article.  I love how personal and informative it is at the same time.

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