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  • Thank you very much - also on Truus's behalf - for favourably reviewing the book, Sarah, and making your review not only available in your new splendid on-line publication "Ethnic Jewels Magazine", but also here. Your review has a much stronger on-line presence than any others the book has received: but most of those can be found, by those who are interested, on the website for the book: www.ethnicartpress.com.au. I have done too little to highlight the existence of them on the Facebook page Ethnic Jewellery and Adornment ... There are also a number of other reviews of the book on Amazon. We have been very pleased with what reviewers have observed. And the responses which are perhaps the most moving are those from readers who have seen the book for the first time, and point out how overwhelming and pleasing they found that experience - quite beyond what they had imagined.

  • An interesting review which we forgot to include on the website for the book but which did appear and should be mentioned is this one by Robert Liu in "Ornament": http://www.ornamentmagazine.com/publication-reviews/departments_pub.... I hope to remember to ask our son Jeremy to insert it in the proper place ...

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